Cheating Gladiator Heroes with GameGuardian
About game PLAY GLADIATOR HEROES CLASH, one of the best fighting and strategy game (developers words :)) Let’s see something about the game. If you are interested, you can download it...
There is always an easy way
About game PLAY GLADIATOR HEROES CLASH, one of the best fighting and strategy game (developers words :)) Let’s see something about the game. If you are interested, you can download it...
In the last few months we noticed increased number of mobile games that uses some sort of encryption. Some of them are simple, like multiplying value with some random number (example:...
Assuming that you learned lessons from previous Game Guardian tutorials [Game Guardian beginner tutorial] and [Game Guardian group search tutorial], today we will continue with our Game Guardian tutorial series. From...
With this article, Game Guardian tutorial, we will start series of tutorials on topic “how to use Game Guardian”. As you maybe know, Game Guardian is powerful memory scanner and editor...