How to get any paid iOS app for free
If you’re on the hunt for a great game to play or you’re in a desperate need of a specific app that you can’t afford , this tutorial is for you!
Today we are going to learn how to get payed iOS applications for free using a fast and quick trick that is guaranteed to work.
Caution : please proceed at your own risk , if you misinterpret any piece of information in this article we won’t hold any responsibility, please read carefully and follow the steps as they’re shown in this written tutorial!!!!
Information that you need to know:
In this tutorial you’re going to need an Apple id of somebody that had already bought the app you’re looking for (this might be your lucky day because we’re going to give you one to test out!)
You can find lots of accounts online – search hacking forum, or check some sites like You will be surprised how much accounts one good web scrapper can find in only one night. 😀
Please read instructions carefully!!
How to get free iOS apps
Step 1 : GO TO THE APP STORE (not settings) and log out from your account.

Step 2 : Find an apple ID of somebody that already bought the app you’re looking for ! (we’ll give you one to test out )
Step 3 : put the login information in (make sure it’s in the app store not icloud)

This is the part you need to be careful in , if you make the mistake of putting the apple ID as your icloud account , you’re taking the risk of losing access to your phone so please be careful.
Another thing to keep in mind is to write the password and not paste it
Try this Apple ID: 3040/@Shadios
Do not login to iCloud. Use it for AppStore login only and logout after use
Step 4: look for the apps you want in the purchased section

NBA2k17 sounds fun doesn’t it? All you need to do to play is to click on the download icon next to it!
NBA 2K17 is actually 7.99$ but using this method you’ll get it for free! You can do this with any other app , this account has over 100$ of payed apps , so enjoy yourself !
Step 5 download the game

- Step 6 wait for the download to finish, And enjoy the game!

Make sure to log out of the account after you’re done using it.
If you have other Apple account with greate game, feel free to write it in the comments. And please, do not change password.