Hearthstone free packs with Samsung promotion
Since grinding in the Hearthstone is very time consuming, sometimes it is difficult to get card packs. Casual players often get only one or two packs in one week. But if you don’t want to spend any money on additional card packs, you can get some Hearthstone free packs.
Blizzard has some unique promotions for some manufacturers or models of mobile devices. Now we will try to use of one of the promotions – Samsung Galaxy S6 promotion which gives you 3 Hearthstone free packs, and special card back.
Beside that, we will use another promotion – one Hearthstone free pack for playing on Android tablet. So let’s start. We will need Nox app player, because it is the easiest to use. If you aren’t familiar with it, don’t worry – we will start with basics.
So let’s start.
How to get Hearthstone free packs
Before we start, we’ll need to download Nox app player. You cet get it for free from their official webpage (LINK). Installing is pretty much straight. Next-next-finish.
- Once you have installed it, start Nox app player. Click on the upper right corner of the screen, on the small gear icon which stands for System Settings. Next click on Properties.
- This part is where the magic starts. As Manufacturer , you have to type in “samsung” without quotes, and as model, you have to write “SM-G920F”, without quotes. After you have done this, save changes and restart Nox.
- If you haven’t already, download and install Hearthstone. After you log in, you should get three free Hearthstone packs and free Samsung card back.
After you get this, close Hearthstone, and open settings again. - As Manufacturer, type in “samsung” without quotes. Model have to be “SM-T805”, without quotes. After you have done this, save changes and restart Nox.
- To get fourth free pack, just start Hearthstone and finish one match. You should get one more pack.
After all, you should have four free Hearthstone packs, and Samsung cardback.
If you have other methods for free packs, write it in the comments.