Game Conqueror – Cheat Engine for Linux
Don’t you hate all those who use Cheat Engine to cheat Windows games, and you can’t do the same on Linux? For the long time, there wasn’t good alternative for Cheat Engine on Linux. Today, it is different story. Now there is very good memory scanner/editor available for Linux. It is called Scanmem. It is like Cheat Engine for Linux. This guide will show you how to do basic setup of scanmem, and lead you to install graphic user interface for this program. Graphic user interface is called Game Conquerer.
Game Conqueror – Cheat Engine for Linux
In this tutorial we will only go trough installing required software, practical example of using the Game Conqueror will be made later.
First step you will need to do is to install scanmem on your system. For this tut, we will use Ubuntu Mate (Ubuntu variant), and used commands will work on all Ubuntu based systems. On other distors, you can use your favorite package manager to install it, or do it through terminal.
On Ubuntu Mate, we have to run following command:
sudo apt-get install scanmem
If you don’t have package manager, you can find scanmem on Github (LINK), so it can be compiled manually.
With this step done, you can do basic memory scanning and/or editing through commandline interface.
First, find the ID of the wanted process, and open that process in scanmem.
You can see IDs of all running processes with the following command.
ps ax
If you want to narrow down the list, you can use the following command:
ps ax | grep gamecheetah
This command will only show process IDs of the processes that contains word “gamecheetah” in it.
After wanted process ID is found, in the terminal run
sudo scanmem pid (pid is number you got with upper commands)
and continue with scanning.
For non-masochistic readers
If you don’t want to play hackerman in the terminal, run the following command:
sudo apt-get install gameconqueror
It will install Game Conqueror and all dependencies automatically. If everything finished smoothly, type:
sudo gameconqueror
GUI that will show up will be familiar if you ever used Cheat Engine.
Congratulations, you are ready to cheat some Linux games.