Game Guardian fuzzy search and dealing with encryption
Assuming that you learned lessons from previous Game Guardian tutorials [Game Guardian beginner tutorial] and [Game Guardian group search tutorial], today we will continue with our Game Guardian tutorial series.
From this article, you will learn basics of Game Guardian fuzzy search. Article will have two main parts – using Game Guardian fuzzy search for finding unknown, unencrypted values, and using fuzzy search for dealing with encrypted values.
But, what is Game Guardian fuzzy search?
It is type of scan where the starting value is unknown – maybe wanted value isn’t visible, or the value is encrypted.
The best example of unknown value is health bar in games – value is usually unencrypted, but instead of number, you only see red bar. We know that there is some number behind red bar. So let’s see how to change unknown value.
Game Guardian fuzzy search
This type of scan is fairly easy if you know the basics.
- Open Game Guardian dashboard, select process from the wanted game, and click on Unknown (fuzzy) search. When you click on it, it will map all in-game values.
- Now, go back to game, and loose some health. Open Game Guardian, and click on Decreased button. It will go through all values again, filtering the ones that have decreased.
- Go back to game, and loose some more. Again, open GG and click on Decreased.
- Game Guardian have one unique feature that isn’t presented in other software of this kind. It can search for unchanged value multiple time. Don’t loose or gain health in game. Open Game Guardian, and choose Unchanged. It will ask you how many scans you want to run. Choose 4-5 times, it will be enough.NOTE! Do not run this right after the first step. Sometimes there will be hundreds of million addresses in the list, and if you run 15 or so Unchanged values scan, it will take forever to finish!
- If there is many addresses left, gain or loose some health, and do increased or decreased search.
- When only one or two addresses are left in the list, change them, or better, just freeze them. If you freeze the value, you won’t loose health anymore.
Using fuzzy search for encrypted values
The main difference between upper example and this one is that we don’t know if the value is increased or decreased. Because developers maybe implemented some shady algorithm to hide the real numbers from the players.
Most trivial example is multiplying value with some number. If you have 100 diamonds, it can be stored in memory as Value*8., or 800. If you earn 20 diamonds, new memory value will be 960. Fairly easy, right? You can still use increased or decreased to find the right value and edit it. But look at the following example.
If some evil developer choose to store 100 diamonds as Value*(-8), then in-game value will be -800. If you earn 20 more, it will be stored as -960. So, if you gain diamonds, in-memory value will decrease, and if you spend some, in-memory value will increase. So we can’t use fuzzy search the same way as we did in the previous example.
All we can do is make first Unknown (fuzzy) search, and find changed/unchanged values.
–Side note–
Of course, there is much better option for dealing with encrypted values in Game Guardian. On Known (exact) search, there is encryption box that can be checked. This is much faster method which you can try first. If it doesn’t work, you can try fuzzy search. You can find example for searching known encrypted value here [Shadow Fight 2 cheat – finding encrypted value in Game Guardian]
In most real life games, you will see even more complex encryption. For example, maybe something like this.
In-memory value = 1083112 + in-game value * (-2048.1) . So the in-memory value will be float number, which can be positive or negative. Almost impossible to find, right? Let’s try it on real game.
In this video (not made by you can see how to use Game Guardian fuzzy search to find encrypted values in Eternium: Mage and Minions.