Crusaders of the Lost Idols cheat with CE
If you are looking for Crusaders of the Lost Idols cheat or Crusaders of the Lost Idols hack, you are at the right place. In previous article, you could see bunch of codes for free jeweled chests (LINK). As most of them only could be used once, many readers could get only four or five chests. But that will be corrected very soon. In this tutorial, you can see how to speed up boring grinding in the game. As on many other games, our main tool will be Cheat Engine.
Cheating online game?
As you may already know, Crusaders of the Lost Idols is online game, so you can play on any device you want, as long as you are logged in with your account. So many people are doubtful about cheating that kind of the game. It is true that some values are stored online. But most idle games do their computing on the local machine, because it would use too much server computing power if everything is computed server-side. So in this game, most of the computing are done offline, and then uploaded to the server.
Let’s see how it is done in practice.
Crusaders of the Lost Idols cheat with CE
First, finish tutorial on the beginning of the game, if you haven’t already. After this, open right process in Cheat Engine. In Firefox browser, that would be “FlashPlayerPlugin_X_XX_X” or something similar. For Chrome browser, you can check here how to find right process (LINK) and how to enable speedhack (LINK), because we will need it.
Second step is to scan for level of some character. Today, we will try to change Detective Kaine. In our case, we have to scan for number 50, value type is 4 bytes.
Next thing you have to do is buy one level, and scan for changed value. In our case, it will be 51.
After you repeat this step few times, only one address should be there. Double click it, and change the value.
Level number will stay the same, as you see, but the DPS will change. Now you just need to enable speedhack, enable Auto progress in game, and watch how you dominate.
Please, do not change level of the crusaders to more than 5000, or you can corrupt your savegame. In this case, you will loose all your progress.
If you prefer video tutorial, here you can see how to do this.