Category: Android

Valerian City of Alpha mod apk

Valerian City of Alpha hack

One of the most anticipated movies this year finally got official game. Luc Besson’s Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets got mobile game too. You probably already heard about it....

Tap Titans 2 hack

Tap Titans 2 mod apk (3.2.2)

As you maybe noticed, we often write about idle games. It is because they are very addicting, and real money sink if you decided to be pay-to-win player. But don’t be...

C.A.T.S hack - C.A.T.S cheat

C.A.T.S. cheat – new method

We have already wrote something about C.A.T.S. cheat – in the previous article you have learned how to edit health and damage to gain advantage in the battle. If you haven’t...

Idle heroes cheat guide

Idle Heroes – Cheat guide

Over the last few days, there were many comments on this site about making Idle Heroes cheat guide. When we saw the game mechanic for the first time, it was obvious...